Posted by Jeff Dayman on 05/09/2017 13:40:28:
…Acrylic smoke has all manner of nasty stuff and resin vapours in it. Some sort of vacuum extraction system as near as possible to the beam, exhausting outdoors, would probably relieve a lot of the gunge and would improve the quality of the air for breathing greatly. Probably an inexpensive shop vac could be adapted. …
I might be wrong here (frequently the case!), but I would expect this task to be better suited to an air-con style high volume, low pressure extractor fan rather than something built around a shop vac geared up to pulling a significant vacuum.
Also, not sure about 'shop vacs' but I think most ordinary vacuums use the sucked air to help cool the motor, after the mechanical extraction of the dirt of course. However heavy vapours from acrylics etc. would presumably pass through the mechanical filters to be presented at the (often sparky-sparky brushed) motor – might reduce the need for breathing air but…
My 2c..