Rant=Resources and the link to money(The unspoken)
Over the last 30 years since 1992+ companies go bust and there it ends for the taxpayer or ordinary person. However today one should start asking questions about the flow of money(Profit=Ok, the devil in the room is the channelling of money over and above profit, admin fees, willy nilly fees etc, and the waste of resources.
You cannot waste money in a monetary system, it just flow from accounts to other accounts. You surely will waste resources through the endeavor. Think about it, every time you spend a cent, money has flow to account(s) and resources wasted in many ways, meetings, travel, planning, construction, sales, faults unreliabilities etc……..How successful was the product…..Is the product/service reliable over time, easy to maintain etc etc, or does it cost a fortune, difficult to maintain(Overengineered), and consumes the customers money as its used-??
Every time money flow, resources are wasted, no choice, thats how it works, we just never think about it like this. Money(or anything, Crypto surprise coming representing money) is naturally link, whether you like it or not, respect it or not, to natural resources of nature(I am not talking about climat change here at all) in a closed system like Earth. WE are all born in the success of the past, and very few still alive know how things come about from “nothing”, today people think you can print or digilitise, mine crypto and your weath will keep on falling from heaven, trees, clouds, internet etc……Thats a huge misconception at 8 Billion souls on the planet.
You have to live once born, you have to waste some resources, no escape, but when resources are wasted exponentially at scale, manufacturing crap at huge scales, theres going to be a price to pay for humanity. One could argue the last 30 years the next 500 years of resources had been wasted already willy nilly on very large scales….
No resources=No money, no crypto, no digital, no electricity, no water, no steel, etc, you on your feet and may die of starvation. Now most of the 8-Billion cannot imagine this actually happenning. Going forward we need some very special leaders over the Globe, or go down in numbers to my guess 2 Billion, like before 1940-ties.
Whats next:2025+
Nobody want that….So my question is=Whats next. Nothing works over time if the basics are disrespected in a closed system at every level…..