As model engineers, we probably don’t want to read articles on the metallurgy of heat treatment, any more that a road engine enthusiast will be overly interested in the build of a battery electric loco, or of a sophisticated measuring iunstrument.
Which is possibly some of the reason for EIM’s demise.
Also, current economic conditions will encourage folk to economise, so possibly all hobby magazines may see a decrease in sales. Now, we are more likely to buy prosecco than champagne!
What will keep ME and MEW going will be articles written by “amateur” authors, who will be cheaper than “professionals” (Who make their living from writing, rather than as an accoiunt of their hobby activities)
After all, who is more likely to have information on interesting projects, or problem solutions than those actually involved?
I have been interested to read articles by fellow MEW readers / subscribers, and learned from them.
So the way that you went about making your latest triple expansion steam engine, without owning a rotary table, and using Metric rather than BA threads, might well attract the attention of someone contemplating that or something similar.
(Currently, there is a Forum thread on Metric fasteners on a model, replacing BA. Since BA is now costly, and hard to find)
If the magazines provide articles of interest to their readers, the circulation will increase (And with it the revenue from traders who wish to be visible that customer base, and advertise)
Sadly, the reverse of this is what has happened to Shows . The Spalding Show improved every year, until the load of organising it became so great that without more volunteers, it was too much for just two people. So it closed.
Like magazines, Shows are intended to show a profit. If they don’t, they will fold.
Articles that interest entertain and educate readers will maintain the publication.
In our world, who better to write the articles than those actually demonstrating what they describe, first hand?
So write and submit articles.
If the editor thinks it suitable, it will be published, and you will get paid.
Wherther you spend the money, or donate to a charity, is your choice.
Howard (Who would have thought that i could type too fast for an electronic keyboard?)