I still buy ME but some of my fellow club-members say they don’t because it seems mainly locomotive construction serials and accounts of club events.
I found the engine history series interesting but it would be far better as a book.
Perhaps it is time to consider merging ME and MEW, and as a fresh new version of what ME&E was: covering a broad spread of interests within the hobby.
As for the title model-engineering[ing] I can see Nick Wheeler’s point – making a tool-&-cutter grinder, a clock or fine piece of ornamental-turning is not model-engineering senso strictu, but the skills overlap and name has been with us since, well, the 1890s?, always encompassing those activities. So I think we are stuck with it.
So what could a combined magazine be called? It can’t be called Model Engineer & Electrician, and what there is now of any amateur electronics is catered for elsewhere, if that hobby even still exists as such. That is, beyond the honourable exception of model-engineers making CNC machine-tools.
The Home or Amateur Engineer? How wide is that? Does it include vehicle restoring or customising, operating heritage railways, servicing boats or building your home’s very own solar-powered heat-pump?
Really, given how the 100+ year-old name has stuck and developed, I see no sensible alternative to it; but I think the publication has to try to encourage all aspects of the hobby.
Finally, whilst I appreciate not everything published interests all of us, at least it exposes us to the works of our fellows; a valuable panorama that could be lost if publishing anything dwindles into the hermetic worlds of single-interest Internet fora.