The day coal dies over the Globe, a new dawn of hard reality will set in over humanity especially the leaders that do not understand the link between Resources & Money & Population Growth per area, continent, country state etc. If you run out of basic resources you starve to death literally, you cannot eat or drink money, crypto, not even Gold.
For any monetary system not to eventually exponentially implode, the basic resources in volved in everything must be cheap, or it will parasitic load everything further down the line with exponential effects. If everything is still ok, you can talk as you want, do as you want, promise you want and the system will carry it….tilll……
Essentials: If these are expensive, the monetary system becomes a mockery, and you can feel it in your pocket, the poor gets poorer, the middle class gets poorer, the rich must get richer the more money you have the more the need to stay. So in the human game of life on earth by humans for humans, leaders needs to understand this. If we did not had to Eat, Dring water, Sleep, none of this was true, and you could be as rich as you want if you live long enough in a living cycle. So basicly at 8 Billion there is no way everybody in one life cycle will even be reasonably happy on this planet, building stuff will not be fast enough in one lifetine to ever satisfy 8 Billion minds, due to the fact that nothing lasts forever especially any/most things made the last 30 years.
-Water(Nature closed system Earth)
“Luxcuries & more”
-Any non basic stuff you can have as you worked and earned it.=(THe human game of life)
So before you think you can print Money as you want, or switch to crypto because you hate money, think about the undenyable link between basic resources & money or whatever your monetary system will be based on, you cannot escape Natures rules in a closed system like Earth ever.
-Corruption(Analog), Modern Corruption(digital-Faster cycles), parasitic jobs, Greed, etc corrodes away the prospect of a good life.
-Money is not a resource.
-Crypto is not a resource.
-Money/Cripto cannot be wasted, it just flow between accounts.
-Every time money is spend, resources(multiple) are wasted by default, the poorer the product, the poorer the service, the larger the wastage as everybody run in circles trying to solve the outflow of problems.
-Pockets never lies……Follow the money.
So think about this -link- in a closed system, as you wonders about the promised future….at 8 Billion plus even if you think theres enough resources and space….on the PLanet.
-So how will any “NEW” product, Construction, or Service eat into this link-?