SillyOldDuffer – Dave, Don't take my flippant or sarcastic comments too seriously as they are not meant to insult.
On a more serious note. Reading and knowledge is great but must be kept in context and balanced with alternative views.
Example in this post: Grinding wheel manufactures advise against grinding on the side of a grinding wheel. So based on that information alone you would not do it.
However, the Picador jig instructions say that it can be done providing you take small cuts.
Each individual should do their own reading on a subject and I am not suggesting anyone else has to follow what I do.
What I would recommend is that if anyone is going to do any engineering which deviates from the norms (including grinding on the side of a grinding wheel) then ensure you mitigate any risk with appropriate PPE etc.
Regarding your quote: "Too much reading and knowledge are never dangerous. It's getting stuff wrong in the workshop that causes real damage!" 
That was an implicit statement 
My workshop techniques are fine thanks very much 
I don't want anyone getting their knickers in a twist over a drill grinding jig 
This is not engineering advice so do not follow what I do 
Edited By Richard Kent 1 on 02/06/2022 16:23:00