McDonalds claim that the burger is just minced meat, nothing else, and I have no reason to doubt them. The fish burger is a pleasant enough product – just like a big square fish finger. I have probably eaten at MacDonalds about 5 times in my life.
What you have to watch is the sauces, and the bread buns, which contain a lot of sugar. So do the milkshakes, and the cokes, and the apple tart thing.
And the fries have an horrific amount of salt on them. And they add salt to the coke to disguise the huge amount of sugar in those.
Sugar and salt are the real problem; both have serious detrimental effects on our long term health.
As to why people eat there, well it is a very consistent product, not real food but pleasant enough in an 'emergency', although I personally don't indulge. Advertising helps of course, and faced with the archetypal cramped, rough and ready English 'greasy spoon' café (which closes at 5), or a big clean shiny MacDonalds, open 'till 10, many folk choose the latter, (which is often also cheaper).
Many years ago I was in Japan, where the restaurants often have a little display cabinet outside containing plastic models of the food they serve. So customers like me who couldn't speak any Japanese could point to what they wanted. We were really amused to notice that even MacDonalds in Japan have a little display cabinet with models of a big Mac etc !
Edited By John Doe 2 on 19/10/2022 12:07:26