The Mark Williams series made compulsive viewing for me, it was obvious he enjoyed what he was doing, and what he did was interesting.
The one I’ve spotted recently is “the British at work” hosted by Kirsty Young.
Seems to be on the iplayer.
While the usual revisionism is employed it’s still worth a watch, showing the good ol’ days and the huge workplace changes over the last 40 years.
I’ve yet to see a British historical series mention the small fact that from the post war period until 1980 you never ever saw a beggar on the streets of Britain.
Only 3rd world countries had street beggars.
“Thatchers children” aren’t really yuppies, they’re street beggars.
Edited By ady on 28/03/2011 11:48:19
Edited By Diane Carney on 28/03/2011 16:34:05