Hi There
I think this was a good special.
The shaper was put in because of the drawings, not the method of construction.
I tried to cater for everyone.
The photos of the Nemett engine were a little small but that was down to space considerations.
The shaper photos were taken from a 60 year old magazine as the originals were not available.
I hope most of you were happy with the magazine.
It is good it went on sale early in Smiths.
It usually goes on sale late and people have to get Smiths to check the stockroom.
Postal problems do happen.
The post Office is not infallible.
Also, there were over 600 to be sent out (probably a lot more) which does take a bit of time.
Let me know what you would like to see in Best of ME Volume 4.
I am thinking the Nemett 15cc twin and 7.5cc single.
The rest could be up to you.
Let me know what you think.
regards David