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  • #710448

      I don’t know where to post this so I have started a new topic.

      Many thanks to all those who have managed to get this forum back working properly. It may not be perfect (and never will be) but the present criticisms seem to be about advertisers and their websites.

      Now it is our, the users, job to return it to a vibrant, “must go to”, informative forum.


      noel shelley

        I agree with the above sentiments and am doing my best ! Noel.

        Thor 🇳🇴


          Michael Gilligan

            May I suggest that a good ‘vote of thanks and confidence’ would be for members to complete their Profile if they have not already done so ?


            Gary Wooding

              I tried changing my profile but it just doesn’t seem to work. I could add a photo but that was all.

              Paul L



                Michael Gilligan
                  On Gary Wooding Said:

                  I tried changing my profile but it just doesn’t seem to work. I could add a photo but that was all.

                  That’s odd … it appeared to be one of Andy’s great successes, in response to my reporting of the Bug.



                  Ref. __


                    Those that have said it does not work, when did you try as it has only been working for the last few days.

                    May also force you to change password if your old one was short or did not have caps and characters.

                    Michael Gilligan

                      Jason … Andy confirmed to me that the password upgrade is not mandatory … you can just leave both entry-fields blank to leave it as-is


                      Ian P

                        I just looked at my profile and it reminded me of a question (out of dozens) I was meaning to ask.

                        Does anyone know the purpose of the ‘What’s New Ian?’ box/field?

                        Ian P


                        Michael Gilligan

                          I have no idea, Ian

                          But I have just posted a few words in the ‘Michael’ equivalent … and will be interested to see where they appear.



                          Edit: _ O.K. I’ve located them … I will leave you to search, and post the answer later, if you fail to find.





                          Nicholas Farr

                            Hi Gary, I’ve just added a little to my profile a few minutes ago without any problems, but you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click update, and I then just clicked on the forum button, to get back out of my profile.


                            MichaelG, I’ve found where your few words are, but I’ll not let on, so that others can see if they can find them.

                            Regards Nick.

                            Michael Gilligan

                              Well done, Nick … It appears to be the modern equivalent of the thing that I only ever remember Geoff ‘Ouballie’ using on the old forum.


                              Michael Gilligan


                                Ian P

                                  Yes Michael, I did find it and started a reply but accidentally closed the tab, then forgot to follow up.

                                  It’s a total waste of space (not your message) but as a feature of the forum. Removing it would eliminate a few lines of code and remove a bit of clutter from the screen. Maybe I should report it as a bug.

                                  I see your full title is @michaelgilligan61133, there must be a lot of Michael Gilligan’s!

                                  Ian P



                                  Nigel Graham 2

                                    It’s certainly running much better than it was a few months ago!

                                    One tip I discovered is to give the thing chance to operate: I now wait a few seconds for the little dot to stop bouncing back and forth on the tool-bar tab before starting the next command.

                                    I experimented with this: I posted the above, and it took maybe 10 – 15 seconds for all those words to get there. So to type this line I selected “Edit” and that command took perhaps 5s to register.

                                    Michael Gilligan
                                      On Ian P Said:


                                      I see your full title is @michaelgilligan61133, there must be a lot of Michael Gilligan’s!

                                      Ian P



                                      Therein, of course lies a mystery … which may, or may not, be reflective of the database integrity !

                                      Greater minds than mine will be needed, if 61133 is to be explained

                                      … it surely can’t represent the number of registered members named michaelgilligan because [so we were told] the total registration list is only about 48k members.

                                      Where’s that Turing chap when we need him ?!


                                      Paul L
                                        On Michael Gilligan Said:
                                        On Ian P Said:


                                        I see your full title is @michaelgilligan61133, there must be a lot of Michael Gilligan’s!

                                        Ian P



                                        Therein, of course lies a mystery … which may, or may not, be reflective of the database integrity !

                                        Greater minds than mine will be needed, if 61133 is to be explained

                                        … it surely can’t represent the number of registered members named michaelgilligan because [so we were told] the total registration list is only about 48k members.

                                        Where’s that Turing chap when we need him ?!


                                        Is it DOB ? 11-6-33

                                        Michael Gilligan

                                          I’m old … but not that old, Paul


                                          Gary Wooding

                                            Prompted by the success of others, I’ve just tried, and succeeded, to update my profile. Whew…

                                            Ian P

                                              My profile details have carried over from the old forum but I now do not seem to be able to edit or update the details.

                                              After editing it informs me that the passwords do not match (they do!)

                                              I note also that one can now make some details hidden or not visible to Members rather than participants

                                              Ian P

                                                On Michael Gilligan Said:
                                                On Ian P Said:


                                                I see your full title is @michaelgilligan61133, there must be a lot of Michael Gilligan’s!

                                                Ian P



                                                Therein, of course lies a mystery … which may, or may not, be reflective of the database integrity !

                                                Greater minds than mine will be needed, if 61133 is to be explained

                                                … it surely can’t represent the number of registered members named michaelgilligan because [so we were told] the total registration list is only about 48k members.

                                                Where’s that Turing chap when we need him ?!


                                                I did look into it a while ago, but no idea in what post now, and I can’t be bothered trying to search; it’s difficult as I can’t get beyond page 1 of topics started on mine, or anyone else’s profile.
                                                My own user name, peak4, carried over as it was before, as it didn’t contain spaces or special characters.
                                                Had it been Bill Williams, then it would, like yours have a number suffix, and the space taken out.

                                                As I recall, if you can remember an old thread you created on the original forum, when you view it now as a topic, the very first post is just of your name and a blank post, with a unique post number, so again, a single data point

                                                I think the 61133 is just the numerical identification of a single piece of data, (your user name ??) from the original forum.
                                                Post numbers will have been in a different range, topic headings different again etc.



                                                Nicholas Farr
                                                  On Ian P Said:

                                                  Yes Michael, I did find it and started a reply but accidentally closed the tab, then forgot to follow up.

                                                  It’s a total waste of space (not your message) but as a feature of the forum. Removing it would eliminate a few lines of code and remove a bit of clutter from the screen. Maybe I should report it as a bug.

                                                  I see your full title is @michaelgilligan61133, there must be a lot of Michael Gilligan’s!

                                                  Ian P



                                                  I don’t know about a lot of Michaels, but there was a Susan Gilligan in the same class as myself, throughout junior school, very much an ordinary girl, but for some reason the teacher in our last two years, used to often make some not very nice sarcastic remarks towards her, for reasons I couldn’t ever understand, which now-a-days he would probably get into a bit of trouble for. Don’t know what school she went too after juniors, as they were just all boys and all girls back then, but her name is one that I’ve always remembered.

                                                  Regards Nick.

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