When at Harrogate doing test firings of the flash steam hydro a young chap (everybody seems young now) from Paisley had a very interesting talk about the steamer and many other things.
He talked about many R/R turbine blades that had been discovered and some of his projects especially his pulse jet.
I thought it would only be small until I looked on his website that I found when I received a parcel today with his name on it **LINK**
I had mentioned about lubrication problems on the steamer and I use solid lubes mainly so he sent me some coating to try plus a turbine blade with test certificate.
When you meet young people with a passion for engineering there is hope for the future of our hobby.
Thank you Wilson Logan for the natter and the lube I would like to talk to you again.
Paul (Windy)
I have spoken to Neil about email notification problems it seems from a person who eventually contacted me via another website that they are getting bounced possibly I am classed as a Spammer and get blocked by ME website security? that I am not as security spam checks make me clean..
Edited By Windy on 28/05/2014 16:13:49