Test thread for inserting gallery image or file


Test thread for inserting gallery image or file

Home Forums New Forum Software questions, comments and Test Threads Test thread for inserting gallery image or file

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  • #682620
    Nicholas Farr

      Twin IXUS170

      Set-up for taking stereoscopic photos.

      Mike Hurley
        on Nicholas Farr Said:


        Set-up for taking stereoscopic photos.

        OK, tell me the secret of how you did this please? As I posted earlier in this thread, using the instructions

        ‘You will need to copy the gallery item’s url and link to it using the link icon along the top of the editor tool bar.

        Just ends up with a link on the page.

        I don’t have any problems inserting images directly, just from my gallery

        Regards Mike

        Thor 🇳🇴

          Hi Mike,

          To insert the photo below (from my gallery) I opened a second Tab and in the new Tab clicked Profile in the green band, then Gallery and then View the Misc gallery. I then clicked on the thumbnail of the photo to bring up the photo itself. Then right-click on the photo and select “Copy Image Link”. Then to the other Tab and in the Editor clicked CtrlV to insert the photo.

          I hope this helps.


          Nicholas Farr

            Hi Mike, sorry for they delay, but I couldn’t make head nor tail of the instructions either, and my photo above wasn’t going anywhere else. Finally discovered to go to my profile, click on gallery, and then create a gallery, which you have to give it a name and just follow it from there. You can put more than one photo in, or you can add photos to your gallery later.

            Regards Nick.

            Michael Gilligan

              I don’t yet have an image gallery on the forum, although I do have a documents gallery.

              [still waiting for my point about the  listing of galleries to be addressed]

              The images I have posted recently all came from my iPad ‘Photos’ … which raises an interesting rhetorical question:

              Since the forum [hopefully] has no access to my iPad, and I have no forum gallery … Where are the images that I posted being stored ?

              Mmm … busy this afternoon, but must investigate that one, later.



              Edit: __ correction … see strikethrough, above

              … someone has fixed it.  … Thanks.

              Mike Hurley

                THOR: Thanks –  that seemed to do it (at last!). As you said, right-click on the gallery photo and select “Copy Image Link”.  then Ctrl – V to insert the photo in the reply..

                Just need to try and get it to work on Android mobile now!

                regards Mike


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