Thank you Bazyle, PM sent. Thank you too BR – I think for choice, I'm basically sorted.
In additon to this thread I've spent a long time reading Mr. Greenly's "Model Railways" and "Model Steam Locomotives" and I am thoroughly convinced to go with 2-1/2" – and less worried about specific prototypical accuracy a long as there is a tinplate-style visual impressionism. I have found a new home to move into and the purchase is in progress. The house itself also has workshop adjacent to a flat 100' x 50' garden which is perfect for a 2-1/2" Gauge railway.
Unless something dramatic occurs to change my mind between now and when I'm moved and have the workshop set up, I will be embarking on an Sir Ironside, a 2-1/2" gauge "King Arthur"-class loco. It is what I really want! If I run into major issues, I will re-try with Ayesha II – maybe this is a benefit of 2-1/2", that I could financially sustain two part built locos!
It is worth noting that my missus would prefer me to build a 5" Gauge loco and run it at the large 5" track at Beech Hurst (5 minutes drive) rather than taking over part of the garden. The Sussex Miniature Locomotive Society appears to be mostly a group of people who come together to run 5" trains for the public, rather than a traditional MES. If this ends up coming to pass (who'd have thought!?) – then it'll be a Maid of Kent (internal stephenson's valve gear) or a King Arthur if I can find one.
Edited By William Ayerst on 31/01/2021 21:39:08