Thank you all so much for your kind help and assistance. I think it's important to me to make a locomotive that I personally either have a connection to, or want to see – I just don't have the enthusiasm for a little 0-6-0T no matter how much I want to
Based on what's available in drawings and castings, there are really only two locos that are up for consideration for me after a hard reflection – one of the SR 4-4-0's in a larger scale, or a King Arthur in a smaller one.
I have a couple of questions and I think then I'll be well on the way to making a decision.
On the face of it in 2-1/2" Gauge the Don Young "Elaine" seems like it could be a winner – straight boiler and firebox, castings and drawings available from Reeves, etc. – similarly for Eagle. I think my main concern is running it. My (for now) local club has a 2.5" gauge track but I don't know of any others in Sussex/Kent. I'm going to assume at 15' minimum radius running the loco so potentially could have a home track, but I would be mostly dependent on get togethers. How achievable is a coal-fired Elaine or Eagle in 2-1/2" for a first loco? While this is possible, it still seems the least feasible of the options…
In 3-1/2" Gauge Don Young's 2P seems highly lauded and so if I could amend the platework to represent an SR L1 class (spectacle plate, splashers, tender top) it would be a front runner – . I assume converting a 2P to an L1 is aesthetic exterior change, so the chassis/etc. can be built as designed? As a fall back, the Martin Evans William fits in here – probably behind all other options in terms of desire but maybe higher up in practicality.
In 5" Gauge, the two front runners are the LBSC "Maid of Kent" and Martin Evans "Stowe". The MoK with square firebox and inside cylinders as per an SR L1 looks like it is the highly recommended. Are there the corrections available for the MoK inside-cylinder issue? Presumably the Schools would be discouraged due to the internal third cylinder? How much complexity does a third cylinder add when taken in the context of a full loco build?
For both of these locos, can the machining for a 5" SR L1 or Schools be done on an ML7 / vertical slide / drill press, or does it need a larger lathe/mill?
I think that should cover it and give me a very strong pointer.
Edited By William Ayerst on 11/11/2020 12:43:44
Edited By William Ayerst on 11/11/2020 12:46:28