I get the same as Jason.
I was hoping I could change the email notifications that I get from subscribing to this site (well they are communications from Mortons after all)
Not mentioned by anybody else so far (unless I have missed it) but the emails notification system is now cr#p.
I get one mail for every reply to the same thread so on a ‘popular’ topics if I dont check my email for a few hours, I may end up with 20 or more unread emails. Sensible method would be for Mortons to send me one to alert me that there had been a new reply but then not send any more emails until I visited the thread (I think it should know this from cookies)
The original format of the posting appears as plain text in the email and is generally hard to make sense of on a phone screen, also the link is not highlighted so with Mortons disclaimer is more or less buried in the body of the email
The ‘From’ and ‘Subject’ of the emails are far too wordy (and pretty much duplicates) and on my email client have to widen the columns beyond normal sensible widths. Not a deal-breaker but it is an annoyance.
I suppose this is one of the myriad of problems on the list to be sorted
Ian P
P.S. I am told that there is an environmental cost both to sending unnecessary emails and to sending superfluous text.