Agreed. No substitute for quality.
I have the same full M&W set in a box as Emgee plus the smaller half set and a few odd ones from good makes, M&W, Starrett, B&S. Which all work very well indeed. With care better than half a thou. Repeatably. Makes boring holes for light running or light push fits almost easy. So much so that I've never bothered to sort out a gauge mount adapter to get the Baty dial gauge on a stick device I was given years ago. All good but stick and gauge don't match.
(When someone offers me tooling "Was gonna throw it out but thought you might be able to use it." I always say "Oh Yes please!" first and think later.)
Got a cheapie import set way back, blue wallet maybe Draper, when that was all I could afford. Which, as has been said, frankly doesn't really work well enough. Within two thou is about the best that can be done repeatably. Kept as a loan tool, its been gone about 5 years now but I know where it is should it ever be needed.
Those things have to work really smoothly to be accurate. I'd be unsurprised to discover that an older one, nicely run in after a decade or three of use is actually better than it was when new.
Edited By Clive Foster on 17/04/2019 09:27:36