Posted by Clive Hartland on 08/03/2018 22:43:03:
… The smaller one has a lower power beam which is quite fine. This one was for projecting through a telescope in tunnels…
Lasers were used more than forty years ago to plot the path of drains and tunnels. Used for tunnelling for the abstraction pipes for filling Rutland Water, from the Welland and Nene, and were pretty well on aim, as they tunnelled from both ends and met in the middle.
Doubtless used a decade later for the Chunnel. A bit further, but a lot bigger hole, that one!
I would think they are now far more precise than back forty or fifty years ago … and they were good enough back then!.
But the old theodilite, etc was very accurate a century before. Some guy went c.1500 miles on a circuitous route and finished up about 50-300 yards (can’t remember precisely how far he was out on his calculations) error when he got back to his origin. Annoyed at such a large error he later found that it was a nearby mountain that mucked up his measurements, by altering his vertical alignment by a change in the direction of the gravitational field, on part of his route. Luckily, lasers are not so affected by gravity!