I have a bunch of old engines, many inherited from my f.i.l.
I restored and flew an old Keilkraft Ladybird he built in 1953 in the 90s, using the ED Merlin (CI). It could fly again but the tailplane needs complete rebuilding and I have no idea what the cowling dimensions are. Could anyone scan me a plan?
I also have a lovely DC Spifire (larger CI) and a couple of DC wasp.
I also have a Pee Wee anda tiny one like it that is even smaller than my Gasparin CO2 motor. I have couple of red-head McCoy’s with plastic square fuel tanks and glow heads rather than plugs (like the Pee Wees).
There’s also a very odd glow engine with a K in a circle the only marking; I had this running well back around about 1990.
Then there’s apair of very old OS engines – a MAX 1 and a PET 099. A Fuji 0.49 and a more modern GP100 (80s?). I used to have a 90s Thunder Tiger ABC which I never got on with at all and sold on ebay for £30 – the only one bought new.
I’ve never done much flying with these, but all but a couple have been run static. They all need cleaning up now
This thread has encouraged me to think about making a control liner though.