Did my fair share of amplifier building in the day..while still in school I played in a 'Rock Band', and as an electronics enthusiast even then, ended up as repairman for all the band equipment and built a lot of it too! Pedal effects unit, I made quite a few, with weird effects – I remember one, a white noise generator, using a transistor as a zener diode, and amplifying the zener shot noise – it was not noisy enough during one gig, so got the bass player's cigarette lighter and heated the transistor ( BC107, I think..) till it was red hot, cooled it, and voila! Heaps of white noise…
Built a 10W Class AB1 Valve amp using EL84's, then the JLH 10Watt Class A amp with 2N3055's, Then about a dozen JLH 82watt amps, 2N3055's and fitted them into our bass speaker cabinets..Also built the A Bailey 30watt stereo HiFi amp , music in the bedroom at home..And a few dozen amps of various powers and varying success..
Converted some 100watt Marshal Amps to circuitry based on JLH designs – I thought they sounded nicer..And I have to add my 10p worth regarding valve versus transistor sounds – For a Rock Band, you could not beat the valve sound. A high power Lead Guitar piece , with all the nuances and peak energy, through a perfect reproduction Transistor amp had the same effect as root canal…With a valve amp, the clipping is so nicely rounded, the edges softened, and it soothes you along – Just listen to the early years of Pink Floyd!
So what if the sound , viewed on a 'scope, is not a true reproduction! Its the sound's effect that matters!
I made a transistor amplifier using constant current sources in the feed to the upper and lower transistors in the amp output – this gave very similar effects to the soft clipping of the valve type amps, hard to hear the difference, but there was no glow, so scrapped it..
Edited By Joseph Noci 1 on 13/02/2018 07:05:30
And the best of both worlds:
Transistors up front and BIG valves where it matters – an East European Marshall knockoff, but very well made, and very good sound, and made in East Europe, not PRC..Cleaned and serviced for a local Chap here in Swakop…

Edited By Joseph Noci 1 on 13/02/2018 07:12:09