

Home Forums Miscellaneous models TAPLIN TWIN 7 ccm

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  • #660432
    Michael Herbst

      Good day everybody,

      i am Michael from Germany. 64 vears old and i have been working with model diesel engines since my youth, especially Taifun engines, which i restore and anodize myself.

      I also build a Webra 4 cylinder inline, which you can seen on You Tube.

      I drive and love English motorcycles. BSA B33 1951 and TRITON Pre Unit 1956.

      My question:

      currently i restoring a TAPLIN TWIN 7 ccm boat enginge.

      What thread size is used in this engine? Maybe some from the experts can help me.

      Best regards


      Michael Herbst
        John Haine

          Hello Michael, welcome to the forum. Would be great to see some photos especially of the Webra (and/or a link to the video).

          Given that the Taplin is a British product of the 50s/60s IIRC, it may well use BA sizes. From my days messing around with British diesels in model aircraft (PAW19D, ME10 etc) I think they used BA sizes.

          Ramon Wilson

            Hello Michael from a fellow engine lover.

            I re-bored and rebuilt a quite old and abused air cooled Taplin Twin many years ago and as John says they are BA threads on the original engines. They would either be 6 or 5BA from memory. Later versions were made in India I believe but whether they had BA threads or not I have no idea.

            The version I did had a very soft aluminium cast case with several threads stripped. I bored out all tapped holes and made threaded inserts out of a much better aluminium material before drilling and re tapping the holes which worked well. It started very easily and ran extremely well though a strange feel on flicking after so many single cylinders before

            This was well before I owned a digital camera I'm afraid so have no images that I can recall

            Good luck with yours

            Best – Tug

            Ramon Wilson

              Hi again, further to that last post I thought you might find these helpful

              taplin twin 7cc page 1.jpg

              taplin twin 7cc page 2.jpg

              taplin twin 7cc page 3.jpg

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