Hi Alan,
I think you’ve answered the question yourself – – too much grinding.
Taper plug cocks are lapped – in; not ground. I have’nt done any small ones, but i’ve lapped in a few of the “big ones”; although it was 50+ years ago. From memory we used to finish up with Brasso. LBSC in his book “Shop, Shed and Road” states – – – “grind the cocks-plugs in with a scraping off your oil stone; just a few turns back and forth should be all that is needed”.
Meyrick’s advice will certainly work, it will be like making a new unit.
But if there is enough metal left try with Brasso, or even tooth paste. But when grinding or lapping in a valve or cock-plug, only turn the plug through 90 degrees or so, never turn a complete circle. After a few turns in one place reposition the plug and start again.