Using ether starting aids, other than in extreme low temperatures is asking for bore/ring problems. Th ether washes out any lubrication, so that scuffing occurs, and the ether fores earlier than the gas oil, producing very high peak cylinder pressures. NOT a Good Idea.
If you can once get the engine to fire, the piston should expand with the heat and the ring(s) should then free off.
Hopefully, the ring movement brought about by the tapered bore, may help to free it off.
Maybe the engine has run for long periods on light load, and this has caused it to carbon up?
If so, a few hours on full load may effect a cure.
(Once, I oversaw the strip of a 300 bhp 6 litre engine which had run, effectively on a thermal cycle, without any sign of a problem, but the strip showed one second compression ring to be sticking. Obviously free when hot, but stuck when the piston contracted onto it).