Posted by Tony Ray on 27/10/2022 12:45:26:
Hi Steve,
How's it going? – haven't seen anything from you for quite a few days.
Hi Tony, thanks for asking
My wife doesn’t care about my project.
l’ve been going a bit slower for the last week due to half term and work etc. But I have been making some progress with the knee nearly done. I have a fairly clear weekend so I’m hoping to get some hours in… this scraping is a really time consuming business. But hopefully I’ll get the column and knee back on the machine this weekend.
One thing that did turn up in the post is a level that I got on eBay. This seems to be a very well made and useful tool, given its very smooth and stable adjustment mechanism. At least, it has helped me double check my measurements. It has 1 in 10,000 divisions, so at 8 inches long, 1 division is 0.0008”. So indeed my table is flat to < 0.0005, probably 0.0002 in most places. Not perfect for a surface grinder but way better than the 0.004 I started with and probably good enough for anything I will do with the machine.
BTW I have switched over to the carbide scraper, with a little skinny blade I made to get into dovetails. I’ve been sharpening it with a diamond hone. I think the diamond disc I was sharpening with before was no good and the diamond coating had come off. I really could do with a diamond wheel of some sort.
No sign of the straight edge yet 
More later this weekend, I have some dovetail measurement questions that I know will come up.