Hi Terry,
I agree, and clearly remember asking a retailer why the bottle of Loctite I had just bought was half empty. On that occasion, I didn’t get a technical answer, except “They’re all like that!” He exchanged it and gave me another bottle also half full – or was it half empty?
My gripe is that the tube of Super Glue clearly states NET 3g but, as my picture shows, the tube certainly contains less than one gram.
Isn’t this fraud?
Unlike (normal) Loctite which sets from the exclusion of oxygen, it is my understanding that cyanoacrylate begins to set from the adsorption of moisture from the atmosphere. If you want it to set quickly, you simply breath on it. As you do, you will see it turn white.
While I was really voicing my annoyance at the Super-glue rip-off, this thread is beginning to become a storm in a teacup. One or two drops of glue was all I needed.
What I’m actually trying to do is find the best temporary adhesive which will hold my helical clock-spring onto the winding arbor, and so that I can control its unwrapping action. My previous attempts with 0.2mm (0.008″) wire, both dry and using shellac have resulted in a twisted, tangled mess.
In an hour or so, I shall know if super glue (dunked in acetone) is the way to go.
By the way, I’m getting some strange looks from retailers, because my recent purchases have been for eyebrow tweezers and nail-polish remover.
Ah! The ways of clock making.