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When I introduced the thread about near empty tubes of super glue, and although it was a significant irritation at being ripped off, I was actually in the middle of some final experiments to make a usable balance spring for my skeleton clock.
In previous threads about balance springs, I searched and tested several ideas to try to find (with my limited equipment), a reliable method. As my own notes show, I had determined that a wire diameter of 0.2mm (0.008″) would replace the flat section as used in the original clock design. This has since proved to be fairly accurate since the clock is now beating with an accuracy of less than 1 sec/hour, and responds well to fine adjustments.
That said, I can briefly describe my approach to making my balance springs. The most significant problem I have had when winding the spring onto a 4.0mm diameter mandrel has been how to uncoil it successfully after winding. Once released, the usual result has been for the spring to fly open and to wrap itself into an unuseable mess. There have been some very useful comments posted, some of which pointed to additional twisting which takes place (unseen) during the winding process.
Michael Williams wrote :- The traditional method of making very small springs with limited equipment is to pass the feed wire through a hole in a piece of flat soft wood and arrange for the flat part of the wood to bear down on the coils that you have already made . Until such time as you deliberately remove the wood the coil remains tight and under total control . You cut off surplus feed wire with the wood still in place and then slowly lift it away . As an added bonus there is an element of screw-cutting going on in the wood and after a few turns; a neat set of grooves form which help to keep the winding pitch constant . Please be very careful when winding springs under power – it is a terribly dangerous process.
Perhaps it was the hidden twist and how I anchored both ends of the wire which were responsible.
To avoid weakening the mandrel I had drilled the 1mm anchor hole through the larger 1/4″ diameter section. What seemed to be happening was that the wire was skidding down the side of the step, thus introducing extra twist. This was rectified in my final attempts.
The free end was weighted and the wire was passed over a simple pulley. I took the trouble to stop the weight from spinning, expecting that any back and forth twisting would be transferred to the spring. Taking note of all the warnings, winding the wire onto the mandrel had always been done by hand with the main power switch turned off. This was very tedious and tiring for my old hands and fingers, since reaching the three-jaw was awkward. I had also chosen to wind the spring ACW so that I could see a little more of what was happening to the winding process.
It was at that point that I decided to wind the wire under power with the lowest lathe speed (267 rpm), and in reverse. The chuck was bolted so there was never any danger from it unscrewing. I also calculated that I had at least 15 seconds before I had wound all of the 1 metre length of guitar string onto the mandrel. I stood ready to switch off, and hey presto, a nicely wound spring. That was until I removed the wood which Michael had suggested.
Another tangled mess!
That was when I went off at a tangent, and began to explore the possibility of gluing the wire to the mandrel, and using a solvent to let the spring slowly uncoil. The traditional `glue’ in clock making is shellac which dissolves in methylated sprits. This would be ideal, or so I thought. So I tried again giving the tightly wound wire a good coating of shellac, waiting overnight for it to set.
It didn’t work so I figured that the shellac had not found its way under the wire and onto the mandrel. With that fixed, I tried again. The wire instantly flew into another mess, and another guitar string went into the bin. I interpreted this result to mean that the shellac was too brittle, and/or hadn’t bonded sufficiently. It was also possible that the meths had not fully evaporated completely from under the coils.
That’s where the super glue came into the picture. I should (again) point out that super glue (cyanoacrylate) sets by combining with moisture from the atmosphere or from your breath. It is also supposed to soften in acetone, which would be ideal, or so I thought. With a very thin coating of super glue applied to the surface of the mandrel, I tried once more, applying two coats to the tightly wound coils. Several hours later, I cut the wire.
When I fished the spring from the acetone, it became clear that although the glue had turned white(ish) it was still present. Very carefully, I teased the coils free, and found that I had to strip off whiskery lengths of glue still attached to the wire.
Remember, the diameter of the wire is only 0.008″.
This posting may provide food for thought, but it has become more of a saga, so I must end here.
One question. Why didn’t the glue dissolve in the nail-polish remover?
I wanted a reliable means of controlling the wire.
Spring making is quite an art/skill. If you are into clocks get yourself a copy of “Watch & Clock makers’ Handbook Dictionary and Guide by Britten. ISBN 1 85149 192 9.
Britten tells you to get spring wire in its soft form, Wind your spring, (there are a good few pages in Britten on doing that) then you harden your spring Britten also has a long description of this.
If you are getting ‘spring wire’ in its soft state the supplier will tell you about both the hardening and tempering temperatures.
I have already mentioned in previous discussions that the helical spring in my John Stevens skeleton clock was originally intended to be a rectangular cross-section from wire 0.020″ x 0.005″ (I will stay in Imperial units for this exercise). It can be appreciated that a spring wound from wire with a rectangular cross-section offers lots of vertical stiffness, while remaining far less rigid in the direction it will bend in use. For a wide range of reasons, too numerous to list here, I elected to recalculate the stiffness in terms of round wire. This was a simple exercise to determine the equivalent stiffness (moment of inertia) in my CAD package. A wire 0.008″ in diameter was the result.
Where to get this size of wire?
Someone suggested guitar strings, and I was lucky enough to discover from a friend who owns a music shop, that this was the smallest string normally available over the counter. Such luck!
The finished sizes of the helical spring were to be 3/8″ OD and nine turns to produce a working length of about 3/8″. Had I still retained my Myford and other workshop machinery, I could have set the pitch accurately and wound the spring with the pitch built into the winding process. I would also have guided the wire onto the mandrel as was also recommended in various places and by the kind thoughts of other contributors. However, I had borrowed a lathe which was not very attractive in the screw-cutting department, and therefore elected to close-coil the wire. In other words, the wire would be touching itself on each successive rotation of the mandrel. I have also to say here, and as was explained to me some time ago, the wire is itself, caused to twist on its axis during the process of winding. I have no idea how this manifests itself, so I chose to ignore it other than to allow the wire to have the maximum amount of freedom as winding took place.
Winding tests showed that a 5/32″ steel mandrel would, when the wire was cut free, produce the requisite spring OD of 3/8″. Up until now, I had turned the power off to the lathe, and only turned the three-jaw chuck (backwards) by hand. Very tedious, but also fairly safe. Unlike running under power which is not recommended.
Controlling how the wire was held in place on the mandrel both during the winding stage, and before being released, had already been discussed elsewhere and amounted to applying pressure to the coils with a fixed piece of soft wood and running this with the lead-screw feed set to the spring pitch.
My efforts were abysmal.
I couldn’t control the coils which would wrap themselves together in an unglorified tangle. I was also drawing attention from SWAMBO, who had begun to notice how much time I was spending in the music shop, and how much housekeeping was going on emptying the music shop of guitar strings. So I needed another method of stopping the coils flying apart uncontrollably once I had made that necessary cut.
Before explaining my technique, it is essential that you take great care to avoid accidents.
Using 0.008″ diameter guitar strings, which are about 39″ long, I ran a weighted nylon thread over a pulley for more than this length so that the guitar string had plenty of freedom to twist on its axis should that be taking place. My weight was a convenient drill chuck off the lathe, and weighed about 1/4 lb. The next tricky bit was threading the guitar string through a tiny hole drilled across the mandrel, sharp edges removed, and then rotating the lathe chuck until the end of the wire was caught and secure. The position of this hole in earlier attempts (with the hole drilled into the adjacent larger diameter of the mandrel) had, I believe, introduced some addition twisting into the wire as the wire slid briefly down onto the working diameter of the mandrel. The nylon thread (with weight attached), and the wire are suitably connected, and the winding process can begin. I also took great care to avoid kinking the wire in any way. Clearly, this would affect the desired outcome.
But I still had to stop the coils from spinning off the mandrel. It was then that I hit on the rather ludicrous idea of gluing the wire to the mandrel. Having noted on many an occasion that clock and watch makers use shellac as a glue, I pasted some of my own concoction over the coils, hoping that I could later soak the glue and the wire in meths and trusting that the coils would uncoil themselves slowly and under control.
Sam You are trying to wind a coil spring from a guitar string. This guitar string has been tensioned, hardened and tempered to set it into its shape –straight. To make it into a coil spring you have to do one of few things.
The first possibility is to undo all of the treatment and return it to its original soft state. To do this I would put the spring into an airtight metal (steel) container which is packed with (well riddled –to get rid of any combustible materials) ashes from a wood fire. (No you cannot use those ‘Ashes’ – we Poms have got them – for a time). I would then put the container into the back of a fire for a few days. Use the now softened wire to wind your spring. You will then have to harden and re-temper the finished product.
The second method and you may have to use this technique with the first method. Is to reduce the mandrel size so that you overcome the modulus of elasticity of the guitar spring and deform it so to give it a ‘permanent set’ to the radius you want. Your problem here is that a guitar spring is made to stay straight.
There is a third possibility which is to buy the finished product. I would H.S. Walsh (usual disclaimer). You can find them here. Have a look at the clock materials. You can Buy 72 of them for about 7.50 sterling and at 0.03 Kg the p&p to Oz will not be all that great.
Fourthly you cold machine up a sleeve which just slips over the former and the wire. Make a slot along its length. When you have wound your coil -keeping the tension on- slip the sleeve over the lot to hold everything in place. What you do next I have no idea!
Finally try google for ‘Spring Wire suppliers’, someone might send you a sample.
Good Luck
The shellac had not found its way between the wire and the mandrel, or if it had, it had failed to set/dry. OK, I’ll use super-glue!
Have you ever bought 3ml tubes of super glue, and found that they contain less than half a ml? But that’s another story.
Super glue sets as it combines with moisture in the atmosphere. It also dissolves in acetone. You get my picture? I was down to my last guitar string, so my last attempt had to work. I painted a very thin layer of super glue onto the mandrel, and wound my remaining string as before. Then I painted an ample coating of super glue onto the coils, before heading off to my nearest (and cheapest) source of acetone. The Cheap Shop had nail-polish remover for a couple of dollars. Now came the witching hour as I cut the wire.
Zipp! The wire flew off the mandrel as before, but this time (it would appear), there was enough super glue remaining to hold the coils together rather than having them fly around. I dropped the promising result into the glass bottle of nail-polish remover, and waited for several hours, observing occasionally, that nothing was happening. Mumble grunt.
There, gentlemen is my method.
Best regards,
PS I’m well aware that there could be retained stresses within the spring, and that annealing is usually carried out, post winding. Frankly, my clock is running beautifully, which is what matters to me.
Edited By Sam Stones on 01/07/2011 09:00:17
Edited By NJH on 01/07/2011 18:31:43
Hello again, especially Dick, Ian, and Norman,
Thank you for all your ideas, I really appreciate getting your type of assistance.
Just a couple of points about the use of guitar strings, and also in making extra equipment. At the risk of repeating my earlier comments, my target is to finish the clock while I still have some dexterity left. I also consider my workshop to be a very temporary affair, and am reminded on occasions that the Hobbymat lathe is, after all, still on loan.
As some of my pictures show, the mechanism of a skeleton clock is intended to be fully visible. That’s the primary purpose of piercing the frames and wheels. In the case of John Stevens clock, the most obvious animation is the balance wheel and spring sitting inside the top `cage’. The nice thing about steel guitar strings, is that they are already polished. So if I can keep them in that condition, there will be less effort needed to bring them up to scratch. I would agree however, for those who like that sort of thing, that the spring could be a nice blue colour after tempering, but once again . . .
I like Ian’s idea of passing a low voltage current through the wire to soften it. I did notice that being rather fine, the wire burns immediately (like wire wool) if placed in a naked flame. I could also imagine that with care, the use of electrical current in this way, could be employed in both the rehardening and tempering after the wire has been wound to size. Holding it to shape would be quite a challenge however.
In my next comment, if not before, there is likely to be an element of `egg-sucking’ for grandmas. However, I’m inclined to believe that winding the wire around a 4mm diameter mandrel to get a finished diameter of about 8mm, does actually subject a percentage of the steel section to stresses above the elastic limit. How much of this will be in tension (or compression), I could not imagine. Clearly, there would also be a certain % of the section which does not get stressed beyond the yield point, or the spring would come off a 4mm mandrel at 4mm without any `snap-back’.
Machinery’s Handbook offers a table for Arbor Diameters for Springs Made from Music Wire and although it doesn’t actually mention the OD I needed, by extrapolation and my own tests, I seem to be on the right track at 4mm.
In terms of `annealing’ (I have difficulty with the definition of annealing), early tests of heating previously wound coils to about 200 deg C showed very little relaxation, and all the wire that I have wound since remains very close to what I wanted without this treatment.
Finally, and switching to Norman’s comments about the case (thank you Norman), and where to buy them, I have elected to follow John Parslow’s approach. Refer ME p202 15 August 2008. It concludes John’s article called “15-day skeleton timepiece”.
With the help of a friend with some good woodworking machinery, I now have a pine base suitably stepped, together with some pieces of Tasmanian oak beading to trim the surround. The ends of the beading have been mitred which is a task I have never enjoyed via the hand-sawing method.
I’m currently waiting for some shellac to dissolve and before I glue I will begin to apply this to the oak in multiple coats alternating with a rub-down with fine sand paper. I trust that PVA will hold everything together. The centre area of the base (inside the glass) will be covered in a dark blue material, the sort of cloth that is turned into tracksuits and the like. There’s a glass supplier down the road who has made fish tanks and display cases, so I’ll be talking to him next week. Alternatively, I’ll get him to cut the five pieces of glass, and glue them in place with clear silicone. Depending upon how the silicone runs between the glass, I imagine knifing off the excess to leave a very clean joint.
I reckon the French polish will be ready by now.
Regards to all,
Edited By Sam Stones on 02/07/2011 02:06:00
Edited By MICHAEL WILLIAMS on 02/07/2011 10:41:53
Edited By MICHAEL WILLIAMS on 02/07/2011 10:47:07
I’m also left wondering about the surface stress, and the possibility of fatigue failure. I have only come across shot peening (academically) as a process applied to helicopter blades. As for this tiny spring of mine at 0.2mm diameter, I can understand that if the surface is in compression, it will contribute less to the spring’s performance, but is also less likely to facture in use. Since peening would have to be down to a micro scale, the only option (should I proceed) would be heat treatment. All I would be comfortable with would be to stick the spring in the kitchen mini-oven for an hour or two, but at what temperature?
Instead, I’ll take a chance and trust that the spring in the clock will outlive me. There’ll be less embarrassment that way round.
I also take your point about preparing the end connections. Not that I’ll be able to do much more then carefully curl the ends into line with the top (balance-wheel stud), and the bottom (balance-wheel collet) anchor points. This has led me to make a cylindrical template, such that one end was turned down a fraction to lineup with the stud hole, and the other end to match the hole in the collet.
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