Very many thanks to everybody for your contributions and comments.
I was always taught (I passed O'level Technical Drawing with grade A over 50 years ago) never to write a number less than unity without a zero in front of the decimal point.
Clearly the draftsman who created the scanned drawings never heard of that convention.
Having read all the comments, I now think the screw should have been 5/8 inch long
I am sorry to write that I found the "overlapping printable Pdf pages"to which JasonB referred NOT very helpful because the some of the parts appear on two sheets. But I enlarged the pdf and printed each element entirely on an A4 sheet. (I'll be happy to send those to anybody interested if you send me your email address, off-list.)
Has anybody (apart from Circlip) actually build this Rotary Table, please?
I came across some 4"diameter Aluminium this afternoon and may be able to acquire a slice 1/2" thick. Can anybody see any problems in using Aluminium rather than steel for the turntable, please?
With best wishes and Very many thanks again