The answer is simple, set it up and using a standard Optical level at each end you will be able to sight through your targets on the bars.
You will of course use a precision level that will measure to 100th of a mm. I think a Leica N3(70) will do, they come with a Plan Plate attachment to give added accuracy.
You might need a rise and fall table under the level to give you your hieghting level.
If I were doing it I would use two levels and set them at right angle to each other and collimate each level to the other so they are the same hieght to suit the two targets on the arms. You will be able to focus right through from end to end of your two targets.
This way you can level both arms at the same time.
If you use this method be aware that any heavy moving vehs. close by or even a tidal area will affect the levels when set up.
PS I have just seen your cunning plan so a hieghting table under the levels is not needed as the knee of the Bridgeport will do it for you.
No H & S with an optical level nor with a Class three laser.
It is possible to project a laser through an optical telescope and it is aligned with the optical center. These are available for hire, I can give details if required.
Edited By Clive Hartland on 05/04/2011 22:22:56
PS. This method is a ‘No contact method’ so no probes or DTI’s needed
Edited By Clive Hartland on 05/04/2011 22:24:13