Hi guys, thank you all for the advice.
One tool I definitely DO need soon is a sprung tap follower, so thanks Jeff, I’ve started to build one now. For the other subjects:
Making things
Ultimately I'm looking to build a live steam loco so could definitely look at building lathe-only compatible parts for that, it's a really good shout.
Henry, I've bought that book as suggested, just to see what I can do.
Buffer, I built a cannon on my Unimat which is what drove me to realise how much I ejnoyed the lathe! I have notional plans to build a carronade, so that's a good point…
David and Paul, thank you – I will review those links.
Buying a Mill
DMB, and Mick – I'm just not in a position in my life right now where I can afford another 2-3k on a mill and accessories. Certainly at some point in my life I am, just not right now – and I don’t want to stop making things in the meantime.
4-Jaw, Faceplate and Manual Drill Press
Bazyle, SillyOldDuffer – I have a face plate and a 4-jaw chuck. I’ve not heard of using pads on the tailstock and drills in the chuck as an option. Do you have any examples or links to what it might look like? Peak4’s suggestion of a manual pillar drill might be a good compliment, maybe? I’m happy to size up drills rather than going straight for a 5/8” but just to be clear, I’m going to be able to drill brass, bronze, copper, iron and mild steel by hand? Restoring a vintage hand drill definitely feels like an awesome little project.
Edited By William Ayerst on 27/11/2020 13:14:55