Suggestions for future articles


Suggestions for future articles

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  • #111671

      Good morning,

      I am new to the hobby and also a new subscriber to ME and MEW. I'd like to suggest some ideas for possible future MEW articles. Please take these comments in the spirit that they are intended; a curious newcomer seeking guidance.

      I've read on the forum that article content is repeated / refreshed once in a while. As a newcomer I welcome this as the hobby has a wonderful heritage to draw upon. However, one of the challenges for a newcomer that aspires to build some of the tools that have been written about is that things are slightly different now. For example:

      Metric fasteners. Shoud I invest in BSW BSF BA, BSD, BSP taps and dies? Or should I modify designs for Metric fine and course threads?

      Some suppliers to the hobby no longer supply full kits only castings.

      Machine tools. The venerable Myford S7 go for quite a substantial sum second hand, cheaper options are available now that allow entry into the hobby. Unfortunately we lose access to the rich heritage of projects aimed at the myford. Or do we? Perhaps MEW could advise? Many articles are written with them in mind and so guidance on things to consider if you have other lathes would be nice for the novice as part of the content refresh.

      Subscriber background. I have no formal practical mechanical engineering training. My day job is in computer engineering. I am not asking for articles written for the complete novice but perhaps MEW might consider some projects that have not been considered before perhaps because of their relative simplicity.

      With all this in mind I'd like to suggest an article. That fits the profile. As far as I can see there has never been a build series for the Model Engineering Services Kennet tool and cutter grinder. This is now only available as a set of castings rather than a full kit. It uses a mixture of BA and BSF.

      I am sure there are other projects out there that would be of great value to refresh in a manner to assist the newcomer to the hobby and also the long term subscriber. I'd welcome some suggestions.



        David Clark 13

          Hi There

          I am sure the Kennet cutter grinder has been done.

          Buy taps and dies as you need them. Imperial will be around for many years.

          regards David


            Well, this is a jolly new game. you give us the answer and we have to guess the question. cheeky

            how did that happen?????


            colin hawes

              I'm trying to figure it out too! Colin

              David Clark 13

                Hi There

                As this is a first post it would be premoderated.

                When the post has been approved all will become clear.

                regards David


                  Better hope that Wolfie parks up for a sarnie sometime soon then !wink


                  Ian P

                    Brings to mind the Mastermind sketch done by the Two Ronnies!

                    Seriously though, I can see you want to moderate the first post from a new forum member. I am utterly and completely baffled why you would post a reply before the question?

                    Presumably you have aproved the new member (otherwise you would not have replied), so why not publish his question, then reply?

                    Maybe its something to do with the forum software, 'mytimemedia' being in its own time.



                      Perhaps Wolfie is stuck in M******s delivering dodgy meat surprise (relates to current news item).

                      Following a few recent threads how about a series of articles "Everything you ever wanted to know about Bridgeports". 20 years from now they will still be circling round the second hand market and you can refer people to the back issues service.

                        Posted by Bazyle on 11/02/2013 14:11:48:

                        Perhaps Wolfie is stuck in M******s delivering dodgy meat surprise (relates to current news item).

                        Quite possibly, I'm sure his lorry has plenty of horsepower.


                        David Clark 13

                          Hi There

                          I can see the post as a moderator.

                          As I no longer work directly for MyTimeMedia I try to leave any moderating duties to the employed web editor (Diane). I don't want to be seen as interfering.

                          regards David

                          Ian P


                            Maybe its me, but I dont understand your reply.

                            I've read it several times but I still dont see why the answer precedes the question.


                            David Clark 13

                              I have just approved the post.

                              Now you can see the question.

                              regards David

                              Michael Gilligan

                                Searching this site [via the search box on the home page] only returns two results for the word Kennett. Presumably this thread will appear there in its own good time; but can anyone identify any other information please?



                                EDIT …. Sorry, should have searched for Kennet 

                                Edited By Michael Gilligan on 11/02/2013 15:49:26

                                David Clark 13

                                  Hi Michael

                                  I found 3 pages of results for Kennet.

                                  Try dropping the last t off.

                                  regards David

                                  Michael Gilligan

                                    Thanks David

                                    Your advice crossed with my edit


                                    Diane Carney
                                      Posted by David Clark 1 on 11/02/2013 15:15:24:

                                      Hi There

                                      I can see the post as a moderator.

                                      As I no longer work directly for MyTimeMedia I try to leave any moderating duties to the employed web editor (Diane). I don't want to be seen as interfering.

                                      regards David


                                      As you have retained admin rights, despite not being employed, please feel free to approve first posts. The above was quite obviously a ridiculous situation.


                                      Ian P


                                        Please may I enquire as to what you considered a 'ridiculous situation'? as I feel it is open to interpretation, and I would like to know I have come to the right conclusion.


                                        David Clark 13

                                          Hi There

                                          I will do if you are happy with that.

                                          regards David


                                            Hi all I generally only get web access during the evening so David feel free to muck in

                                            Diane Carney
                                              Posted by Ian Phillips on 11/02/2013 18:13:11:


                                              Please may I enquire as to what you considered a 'ridiculous situation'? as I feel it is open to interpretation, and I would like to know I have come to the right conclusion.


                                              Hi Ian

                                              The fact that earlier in the day David had replied to a post that nobody else was able to see, causing subsequent readers to be perplexed.

                                              FYI, anyone posting for the first time has to be 'pre-moderated' – in other words the initial post has to be read by one of the moderators before it is allowed to become public. (Apologies if you already understand this. I repeat it mainly for those who don't realise this is the case.)



                                                Hi steve
                                                Could you please tell us what if any equipment you have then maybe we can steer you into a suitable 1st project


                                                Michael Gilligan
                                                  Posted by Diane Carney on 11/02/2013 23:31:51:

                                                  Posted by Ian Phillips on 11/02/2013 18:13:11:


                                                  Please may I enquire as to what you considered a 'ridiculous situation'? as I feel it is open to interpretation, and I would like to know I have come to the right conclusion.


                                                  Hi Ian

                                                  The fact that earlier in the day David had replied to a post that nobody else was able to see, causing subsequent readers to be perplexed.

                                                  FYI, anyone posting for the first time has to be 'pre-moderated' – in other words the initial post has to be read by one of the moderators before it is allowed to become public. (Apologies if you already understand this. I repeat it mainly for those who don't realise this is the case.)




                                                  That seems a perfectly reasonable description of the present situation, thank you

                                                  But it does beg one obvious question … Why were the rest of us allowed to see David's post before the question had been released ?

                                                  That is the really ridiculous part of this story … and the problem could be fixed by a simple change to the logic. i.e. it is the Thread [and not just the first post] that needs to remain invisible to the public, until it has been approved for release.


                                                  Diane Carney

                                                    Michael, I have sent you a PM.

                                                    Michael Gilligan
                                                      Posted by Diane Carney on 12/02/2013 08:52:57:

                                                      Michael, I have sent you a PM.

                                                      Many thanks for that, Diane


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