Almost no Endmills were harmed in the making of this test part:

Either my X or Y (or maybe both) are mirrored… I zeroed on the back right corner as per the image above and then was too slow on the stop button….

Still the machine has enough ‘push’ to snap a 6mm carbide end mill ( 🙁 )
I need to figure out which axis to change, but in the mean time I ran the part with where to zero worked out by air cutting… The ‘correct’ start point was back left rather than back right.

Starke TiAlN coated 6mm carbide endmill, 7000 rpm, 600mm/min 0.5mm optimal load on the F360 adaptive tool path, and 0.2mm stock to leave. The chips look like nice chips and are a golden colour.
Then cleaned up with a single contour pass and the 3d flat finishing pass.
Need to learn a bit more about how to finish off – the contour start point is clearly visible in the pics.
Best tool Ive ever made 🙂