You should be able to find BA threads that APPROXIMATE to Imperial sizes. The determining factors are sufficient wall thickness for an oversize thread, and thread strength. The thread form will be different, 47.5 vs 55 degrees.
The only other factor is whether the different hexagon sizes will be sufficiently different to spoil the look of the engine.
Those have to be your decisions.
The pitches will be finer than BSW. (!/4 BSW is 20 tpi, 0 BA is 1 mm pitch so roughly 25 tpi 3/16 BSW is 24 tpi, 2 BA is 31.4 tpi, 5/32 BSW is 32 tpi 3 BA is 34.8 tpi 1/8 BSW is 40 tpi ,5 BA is 43.1 tpi )
0 BA is undersize for 1/4", 2 BA is undersize for 3/ 16, 3BA is oversize for 5/32, while 4 BA is undersize.
5BA is close to 1/8,, 7 BA is oversize for 3/32, while 8 BA is undersize