Yes – may we have that paragraph with the The Railway Magazine reference, re-written properly, please?
Like the others here, I don’t want to buy TRM as well as MEW, MEAW ME&W or whatever its official abbreviation; though I think I buy by annual invoice, not DD.
Indeed, the entire press-release from Morton’s makes a Telecommunications Company T&Cs look a model of clarity!
Also, may we know the preferred, archiving abbreviation for Model Engineer And Workshop – a somewhat clumsy title anyway, I think, though to be fair I can’t immediately concoct anything a bit more mellifluous.
Let’s look back a century…
Do we know how The Model Engineer & Electrician was officially abbreviated, to use as a template? I have a bound volume from 1917, and that gives no abbreviation, but interestingly the Readers’ Letters are all prefaced, “To the Editor of The Model Engineer; Dear Sir,” so omitting the & Electrician phrase.
Perhaps this will give a clue to what may happen: we will simply omit the & Workshop in common use. It may indeed be better if Mortons simply admit what they are doing – closing Model Engineer’s Workshop and transferring its contents to ME – by just retaining the Model Engineer title.
Indeed, that would respect and reclaim the publication’s original spirit. Browsing that volume shows in Percival Marshall’s day, it was effectively The Model Engineer, Electrician & Workshop, even though as Editor, Mr. Marshall used only the first noun in the letters’ headings.
I even spotted a short article on using the wind to power a generator – whatever will they think of next?