Subscription Renewal


Subscription Renewal

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  • #195792

      I've just received my subscription renewal notice. Print only at rest of world rates.

      If I pay by cheque or credit card by post or phone

      1 year 75.95 or 2 years 143.90

      If I go online advised by the form to

      1 year 78.80 or 2 years 149.90

      I did get to another online renewal page that only gave me a 1 year option but wanted 83.95

      I've no idea what is going on here but I would have expected the online renewal to be cheaper than the paper based renewal.

      Anyway, be aware of the differences in the renewal charges. I'll be calling them tomorrow to make my payment, and do my bit to keep somebody employed.



          1. use official site.

          2.use annual direct debit to get cheapest price.

          good luck


            As I think you are in Australia then might be worth using this which Neil posted a while back as its cheaper than rest of world rate.


            Edited By JasonB on 05/07/2015 10:14:59


              I was using "the official site" its the one directly referenced in the renewal notice. The point being prices are different between the written notice and the web page it references.

              The 83.95 was also an official site accessed via the mytimemedia web page

              DD may be cheaper but this is a case of comparing apples with apples



                No I'm in NZ

                I've just checked their price and its AU$155.31 which currently converts to GBP74.98 so you'd save a quid.


                Edited By Doubletop on 05/07/2015 10:26:05

                Neil Wyatt

                  Thanks Pete



                    So I made the call tonight. While I was waiting they gave me a message that I could pay online and quoted yet another web page reference. I haven't checked it out but my money is on yet another renewal price

                    When i got through I gave them the details from the renewal notice and was told "1 year 78.80 or 2 years 149.90" I pointed out that the renewal notice said 1 year 75.95 or 2 years 143.90. "Oh that's OK then, 1 year is ₤75.95 or 2 years 143.90. But you can also have 3years for 191.89" That option wasn't on the renewal notice.

                    Where is the consistency?


                    Edited By Doubletop on 06/07/2015 11:16:01

                    Ron Colvin

                      How you approach your subscription renewal certainly makes a difference to how much you pay.

                      The letter from MyTime Media Ltd. dated September, stating that my print copy renewal is due, is offering to save me 38% on a one year offer for £58 (payment by cheque/Credit card, though if by card over the telephone, charged at 5p a minute, more if on a mobile).

                      The Christmas offer in the current edition of ME (4520) also claims a 38% saving on shop price, which can be subscribed to online at For this you will be charged £63.95.

                      I will be renewing my subscription with a cheque for £58.00.


                        Cheaper still if you do it by direct debit, mine just renewed itself for £50 and I did not have to pay for a phone call or a stamp to post a cheque.

                        The £63.95 offer does include the "free" gift


                        Edited By JasonB on 09/11/2015 17:52:39

                        Ron Colvin


                          I tend forgo direct debit payments for things, as I have been burnt several times in the past, to the extent, that the extra £8 for a payment by cheque, makes it worth my while, on the basis of preventing the possibility of future hassles.

                          As for the free gift, several years ago I received the far eastern made digital vernier calliper when renewing my magazine subscription, The digital aspect of the instrument was very nebulous. I use it now for measuring the width of rough timber.


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