I have been attempting to renew my subscription to Model Engineer for some time now, as follows:-
1 7 Aug 2014: I received a letter from ME saying my subscription had two months left to expiry.
2 24 Sept. 2014 I renewed by 'phone 24 Sept. 2014
3 On 9 Oct. I received an email informing me that my subscription had now expired.
4 10 Oct. 2014 I 'phoned the subscription hotline who confirmed that I had subscribed for the coming year.
5 20 Oct 2014 No copy of has since been received.Hence I am now missing ME for 17th Oct.
6 20 Oct 2014 'Phoned the subscription hotline again and was assured my subscription was currently up to date and ME had been sent to me.Later that day I received a letter, from MTM, dated 11 Oct 2014 . This thanked me for my annual subscription!
7 23 Oct 2014 I received another letter,from ME, dated 13 Oct 2014 Stating that : "Our records show that your subscription balance has now expired".
As I have clearly paid my subscription and seen from my bank account the money was paid to MTM prior to the due date of the missing volume,I would like to have this forwarded immediately. Also I think this seems to indicate that the title of this message is valid. I wonder if any other subscribers are receiving this poor treatment.