Hello All,
I received an email from Grahame the illustrator today:
"Regarding drawings, if you can send PDF or EPS they’re probably the most reliable formats for me to open – sometimes I can open DWG & DXF but it depends which version of which program was used to create them. I have no problem working from hand drawn scanned images, JPEG’s are fine for those."
Note that images have to be in eps to be used in the magazine, so if the originator (i.e. you) can do the conversion it makes it much easier to avoid errors. I have three programmes (Turbocad, Corel and TotalCAD) that can open DWG and DXF – but all three fall over on some files and I can't always generate a decent PDF.
But YES Grahame is quite happy to work from clear and well-scanned hand drawings.
The one thing we can't be sure of handling are CAD file types, as there seems to be no guarantee of compatibility and most programmes have flaky pdf generation.