Posted by JasonB on 07/02/2021 15:26:52:
I think we are both saying the same thing Ramon, just different thoughts on the order.
Here is another image of a similar style engine. If Arthur mounts up the cylinder, guide bars and bearing block then the two dimensions X and Y shown at the bottom can be taken from what has been built and ignoring the drawings from now on.
Then it is just a case of making the distance between the conrod holes equal Y and the distance from crosshead pin to middle of the piston when both are assembled onto the piston rod equal X

Yes that's exactly what Ive been meaning Jason
The differing dimensions from varying sources are one issue – solving the problem on a built engine is potentially another.
One thing is for sure whoever has intentions of building a Victoria from current castings needs to be certain to check all drawing dimensions before machining anything. I'm afraid to say at the cost they now are I won't be joining the queue