Decided to get on with the bed cross-pieces and ends. First job: saw 8x blocks a bit oversized, and de-burr:

Then machine to the right width with the shell mill. This wasn’t as easy as it seemed for some reason, and took several goes to get the corners 90 degrees according to the engineer’s square:

I’d machined an end stop for the vice during my dormant modelling phase, and this came in handy as a fixture for the 32 drilled and tapped holes:

Because of the way I’d designed the ends to allow for tapered outer faces, the holes aren’t on the central axis of the end pieces, they are offset inwards slightly. This tripped me up on the first piece, which gave a staggered end:

another lesson learned. I JB Welded some aluminium rod into the holes, faced off and re-drilled. It’s spot-on now.

Then the middle spacers were drilled and tapped, and reduced in height by 5.4mm:

Made another error by drilling the first hole M4 as per the ends, should be M3 to accommodate the taper. Silly error, especially when using my own design/drawings. Anyway, as with the ends, I realised after the first one, and that’ll be corrected by tomorrow. So here we are now:

Next job is to disassemble again, and drill a couple of blind holes in the inner sides for the bosses for the throttle bell cranks, then it’ll be machining the tapers on all the components.