I found I’d got one bit of steel left, so had another go using smaller cuts, and using two 0.01mm finishing cuts to get to size.
I also turned the work so that the previously problematic y-axis faces would be the ones that would be subsequently turned down for the bosses.
This time, the y-axis faces were fine, and one of the x-axis faces:

But now the opposite face – using exactly the same cuts and conventional milling, looked like this:

These were the faces on the x-axis which were fine last time.
Much as I hate to compromise, I then face milled the gouges away, and have obviously ended up with slightly undersized parts (about 0.005”).
This is the fifth sixth attempt at these, and I think if I have to do them again due to some knock-on effect of this screw up, I’ll pack the model up and call it a day. It’s just not fun any more.
I need a much better quality milling machine, because this thing is driving me crazy – I seem to spend as much time fighting a losing battle either trying to adjust it, or correcting errors caused by it.