The likely hood of you needing to remove the crank(s) in the future is quite remote but I certainly wouldn't go for a fit that you could tap off as that will soon lead to wear when running even if pinned as you want to.
A small cutter could be used as Jason suggests but there is still the potential of dissimilar metals and the cutter going off line. Not definite but possible and if it does then you have a situation that will be difficult to disguise – why go there in the first place especially where, despite the text book diagram, there is little evidence full size.
Loctite will be more than sufficient but I always take a belt and braces approach and put a pin in as mentioned before, easily drilled out – you may recall, I had to do that to mine to change the cranks from 180 to the more norm of 90 – and easily disguised. Your call of course, just my thoughts .
Paul (Kemp). Thanks for the link, that's a beefy key way but as I see it the guide is for cutting a parallel slot on a taper – not cutting a taper in a parallel bore using the broach to achieve it.
Paul (Lousick) I don't, nor didn't, doubt your's or Jason's claim, just that to me that's not the way to use a push through broach. As you say you have to constantly relieve the pressure as the broach is pushed off the vertical. To me, though it may, and in your case did, work there is no guarantee the broach stays in contact with the guide – very likely too I agree but not certain.
As I'm sure you are only too aware machining a taper to an exact match has to be perfect, no doubt you can set your flywheel in place where you want it to go and tap the key home from the end of the shaft to locate it in position. As it stands Doc intends to machine two keys that sit in a captive slots and push the flywheel over the keys such that the tapers engage when the flywheel is in the right position.
There may be some leeway in the captive slots but I still stand by my thoughts that this is not the way to go – for a flywheel of this nature.
But then they are only my thoughts 
Best everyone – now I'm off for the day to be distracted by my plastic distraction – R
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 04/09/2022 09:23:09
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 04/09/2022 09:25:12