So regarding the crankshaft. Following Ramon's advice, I had a go at grinding an HSS tool. It's not pretty:

But somehow it did give a very good finish, at least until the 'step', when it chattered like mad. I tried increasing the relief at the sides, but to no avail. Also tried slowing the speed a bit, but again no luck:

Something I've never been totally comfortable with was turning to dimension in the Z-axis. Diameters aren't much problem, but specific lengths I've always struggled with in the absence of a DRO.
This is the basic geometry of the shaft, not checked the dimensions, but they're about right:

So, what's the procedure for getting accurate lengths, and the undercut bits?
Do I somehow angle the tool so that the left edge is perpendicular to the Z-axis, turn to diameter, move along to a scribed mark, the feed inwards and hope for the best?
Also, it was mentioned previously to work at the tailstock end, and turn the shaft to enable both ends to be finished. Presumably this is after the central portion is initially turned to size?
When swapping the ends, is it OK to put the carrier on finish machined diameters (maybe with a thin aluminium packing piece), or should the bar be significantly over-long so that the carrier tightens onto a bit that's cut off later, when finishing to final length? I want to face off the centre drillings to leave clean faces for this one anyway.