Set up the covers in the mill to get the gland clamp holes correctly lined up dead horizontal:
Centred the r/t to give zero runout:

Mounted the chuck, and placed a cover and a tight fitting spigot I turned from aluminium. The spigot was then clamped into the collet chuck with the 4-jaw chuck loose, and then nipped up:

This should have got we very close to everything concentric, but try as I might, a 0.0095” runout remained:

Even by adjusting the 4-jaw on the rotary table, or trying to measure direct to the inside of the housing, I couldn’t get better than 0.0095” according to the dti and revolved in the spindle.
Anyway, it was then a simple matter to fit the gland template and rotate the r/t until the mounting holes were in a line, 8mm offset each way in x:

Then with the r/t table locked, drilled all the holes using the DROs:

At the end of the day, they both fit, the holes are aligned and the bosses should be in their optimum positions for the profile milling:

Next job is to drill and tap the milling fixture hole array, then mill the boss profiles.
Re the runout issues: I don’t have enough height clearance to easily fit the dti in the collet chuck, and it’s tedious to have to constantly swap collets to do the various setups. I guess I could do with a dti mount that clamps around the spindle. I think part of the problem is the clunky dti mount I’ve got, that’s not easy at all to set up zero by hand, especially when I don’t have the use of the x/y table as in this case.
Edited By Dr_GMJN on 18/06/2022 18:53:47