Whilst I certainly compliment you on the thought you are putting into this Doc I do think that you might be over thinking the process from the fixture point of view.
I've found these image from a couple of build that might be of help in the future.
This is the type of ali split clamp fixture I was referring too. It's being recycled from previous use and is for holding the eccentrics. The drill diam is the amount of throw of the eccentric, the parallel being set to the clamp not the other way round.

The initial set up is as described before by 'cone'

Once set up the fixture is bored to take the part then released and moved over the 'throw' amount. Drilled and reamed for the shaft and the boss turned

Whilst the above is on the lathe the principle is easily transferred to the mill on the rotary table.

Incidentally setting the work piece with a cone from tiny to big is pretty accurate but don't use a pre – tapped hole as a location – unless you have counter drilled the first the first thread out before threading (best practice anyway)
In early days of my journeyin ME I was told by an old and much missed 'mentor' you ought to make your self a toolpost drilling/milling spindle. He was absolutely right, but you do need means of dividing in the lathe for it to be of best use. I think you have an ML7 in which case the 65T bull wheel is not of use but an expanding arbour inside the rear of the spindle to hold a gear and a firm detent is well worth making.
Sorry for more pics on your thread but I do feel they are relevant.
Best – R