Thanks for the comments both. I’m getting more of a feel for grinding tools now, and I can tell what sounds right or if something’s wrong. Cutting seems to have a distinctive sound that corresponds to a good surface finish and nicely formed chips, whereas even slight rubbing changes it.
I checked the bore again, but I can’t detect any ridge with my finger, plus each end gives an identical vernier reading, so it can’t be anything serious I think.
I did think about filling the screw hole break-throughs, I wondered if there was a chance the tiny bit of JB Weld might fall out though. I’ll try it before lapping anyway.
So tomorrow I should get the other cylinder done, then it’s on to end facing with a mandrel. Apologies if I asked previously, but a few questions:
1) I assume the mandrel should be long enough to fit in the Chuck and to within perhaps 5mm of the end to be machined? The cylinder is quite long, so I did wonder if it should be stepped near the machined end, and have tail stock centre for support?
2) What’s the best material to use?
3) Should it taper at the Chuck end to fix it, or should it expand using a bolt?
4) Should I face, drill and tap the Chuck end first, so I can mount it in an angle plate on the mill, for determining the cylinder axis somehow?