Our kit came in. All parts look ok, however there are 2 very large protrusions from the casting process inside the bore of the cylinder. The 2 cans of paint are tiny! My wife has bigger nail varnish tins than these two.
What I also found disappointing is the "book" they sold us for £9,50 which is nothing more than few photo copies stapled together.
Oh well, upwards and onwards. We expect to start the build this month sometime. First we have a DRO to fit to the FB-2 and some work space to arrange.
I will be back with photo's of mistakes, blemishes and other general faux pas for you all to giggle at
Edited By Mark Gould 1 on 21/08/2017 14:27:49
Edited By Mark Gould 1 on 21/08/2017 14:28:09