Although I would love to build a live steam railway locomotive I think I would prefer something that could be useable on a whim, therefore my postage stamp back garden isn't really suitable as any railway would be very short indeed! As a result I considered both Traction engines and steam wagons, but I suspect due to only having a lathe a traction engine is out. I would wish to make something of a good tangible size; although I am amazed at the beautiful models people make in the smaller sizes I would like something a little larger.
As discussed in another thread about Undertype wagons I'm now thinking that I would be best off designing something that suits my facilities (i.e. the ML7, my inability to make anything other than tiny castings etc). As a result both overtype and undertype steam wagons are currently being considered, but to my own design. I like the idea of an undertype as I figure I could base the design around using a stuart marine type engine or similar, suitably geared.
With correct reduction I reckon this would make for a smooth and powerful undertype wagon capable of pulling a small load. Is that a fair comment?
The only thing I don't like about this idea is that I don't really like the type of boilers used in an undertype; I would prefer an overtype boiler. However if I make an overtype would I be best off buying castings for a traction engine in order to make my source of power?
I'm still in the early stages of deciding what to do, as you can probably tell. I have no real issue with making my own homage to a design rather than accurately replicating it, but I would still like it to be something I am proud to display rather than feel I should hide as it feels cobbled together!
Any pointers, tips or experiences would be gratefully received. I don't heed every piece of advice I'm given but I do appreciate every bit!
I'm mainly trying to generate discussion that helps me clear things in my mind and discount unsuitable ideas.
Thanks, Jon.