Had promised myself for a long time to make a beam engine.
I managed earlier this year to get my hands on an unstarted complete castings/raw materials/fasteners kit for the Stuart Beam Engine. One or two extras such as extra valves and lubricators were also included. Luckily at a decent price away from the Bay.
The negative being that this package had been originally purchased in 1975 and consequently stored since. With this was the original drawing package. I then bought a new copy of Andrew Smith's Stuart build guide.
As his build is lathe based for both turning and milling. My methodology adopted, has differed slightly being able to carry out milling on my 626 with 3 axis readout. I started in October on an " on and off basis " twixt doing other things. I think I am about half way through at a guess.

Having done a search I found 4 posts only on the Beam, one of which being on the eccentric raised an important issue.
Distance on my drawing for the eccentric centres is 11/64".
Andrew Smiths description shows 11/64".
The drawing in Andrew Smiths book shows 9/64".
One of the posts makes reference to a later ( 1993 ) Stuart drawing showing it to be 9/64".
I know it's a bit late in the day but I have been following the dimensions in his book rather than my drawing and now having 2nd thoughts about this, so a couple of questions please if anybody is able to answer:
1) If the build of the Stuart Beam has been covered in Model Engineer, how would I find out which editions if at all possible?
2) Do I need to go to Stuart and buy the latest set of drawings or can I continue to use the drawings in Andrew Smiths copy like I have been doing?
P.S. I hope the grammar police don't read this.