A question for anyone who has built the Stuart beam engine.
I've started to work again on the one I acquired part built many years ago. I have just finished the links for the parallel motion and have stated to layout the holes in the 1/2" x 5/8" bar for the con rod. At first glance it appears that the 3/8" wide slot in the top of the rod as drawn is not deep enough to clear the beam when at the top of the stroke. The drawing shows the bottom of the slot as 19/32" below the centre of the 3/16" pivot pin hole, which means that the parallel portion of the slot only extends 13/32" below the pin centre (the bottom of the beam is 3/8" wide ) and looking at the beam when at the top of the stroke the bottom looks to be considerably more than that.
So I made up a dummy con rod to check the clearance and the angled piece on the dummy rod just clears the beam at this distance, perhaps slightly less. It looks like the 19/32" dimension should be to the centre of the radius of the semi circle at the bottom of the slot, not the bottom. I have searched the site for any mention of this but found nothing. Am I missing something?