So after some false starts, I finished the lower cover this evening.
Turned the inner spigot, drilled and reamed:
Close fit into the bore, all ok there:
5/32” rod supplied was oversized, but I eventually got it to fit by some polishing in the chuck:
Then, after two failed attempts, made the split bush to hold the cover while machining the reverse side:
Matched to jaw #1, I checked runout of the coverWith a DTI. Virtually nothing this time, much less than 0.001”. I then pushed the rod into the hole and checked that:
Quickly wished I hadn’t; 0.004” runout.
Anyway, I can’t keep re-doing this cover. It’s getting the better of me and I need to move on. It must have been the drill that wandered, despite me being very careful.
I made the recess the right depth for the cover, so it was a simple matter to turn down the boss:
Close fit in the standard; ok:
Drill & tap:
The standard diameter is a fraction more. I might turn it down to match – it should also reduce the depth of the edge flaw In the casting a bit.
The reamed hole is very shallow, significantly less than its diameter (as per the drawing). I’m wondering now if it was meant to be reamed at all. The drawing doesn’t say so, I just assumed it did. The packing nut also isn’t specified as a reamed hole. I think maybe they should be a close fit, but not to a ream tolerance. The combined length of the assembly, plus packing would probably form a good enough sliding location. We will see how it assembles I guess.