I've sidetracked this thread a bit, but now back to the 10V – the main bearings.
I opted to go a bit off-piste, ignore the plan dimensions and mark the center of the cast semi-circle. My reasoning being that at the end of the day, if the turned bosses are not concentric with it, it’ll look wrong, and the specified dimensions are so close anyway, it won’t make any difference to the function of the engine.
My edge finder is 6mm diameter, so a fraction too large to take a direct measurement from the straight sides of the bosses. I decided to clamp both castings as shown, and calculate the centreline from the inside of the vice faces. Once locked in “y”, It was a simple task to offset from the exposed curved surfaces, and center drill them:

No idea if that’s a good way of doing it, but it made sense to me and it seemed to work.
Then onto the lathe to drill the crankshaft holes. I spent a good 45 minutes faffing about with shims in the 3 jaw chuck, and getting nowhere near true. In the end I cut some square spacers and used the 4 jaw chuck, and it was centred to less than 0.001” within a couple of minutes. I locally re-profiled my centering bar tip to 60 degrees included, and it seems OK now (thanks for the suggestion Jason!). Still needs holding to prevent rotation though:

I drilled them progressively up to 6.8mm. My plan is to line drill both bearings in-situ to 6.9mm, then ream in the same setup.
Wall thickness around the curved area is within about 0.004”. I doubt I could currently get any better, so that’s that.
Next up: make a mandrel and cut the bosses on the lathe.