Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! That's a bit better, but not much.
After a bit of a break doing other projects I returned to my 10V this evening and made the piston, piston rod and crosshead. Faithfully following the Stuart build book and working in metric units I made the piston rod 45mm between shoulders as shown in Fig 14 of the book and the piston and crosshead all nicely concentric. When I offered the assembly up to the cylinder and standard it was immediately obvious that the piston rod was too long! I checked it against the book and I had made it to the correct dimension but the book had converted 1 and 13/32" to 45 mm. It should of course have been 35.8 possibly rounded to 36 but never 45mm.
OK, no problem just shorten it; but I bent the rod through my own ham handedness and had to make another and now I've lost the concentricity on the piston.
Lesson learnt (again), measure and check twice, cut once.